European multilateral School partnership


Migration has always been a part of European history
and European identity. In this project we would like to
make students aware of the concept of migration in
modern society. We want to show how Europe, to a
large extent, is a result of ongoing migration and
integration processes. We see that migration is an old
phenomenon that primarily has positive effects on the
countries involved. To understand the present situation
we must also understand the past. We need to widen
our horizons and for the students and their families
taking part in the project to understand the importance
of migration and the positive effects of it. Cultural
exchange between countries is one of the key
elements of progress and innovation.

Project News






Have a look at our YouTube channel!

This project is closed. It has been awarded by the German Erasmus Agency 

"Erasmus+ success story 2017"




 Our last project meeting

at Gladsaxe Gymnasium

30th April to 6th May 2017


Finalizing and presentation of results


See the programme



The multilateral school partnership has been  presented on the

International Conference organized by the Kultusministerkonferenz (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, KMK) and Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) on 23-24 May  2016 in Bonn

"Migration-Integration. Schools manage diversity!"

(see the documentation of the conference )

Our Partnerschools

Falkenbergs Gymnasieskola
Falkenbergs Gymnasieskola
Gladsaxe Gymnasium
Gladsaxe Gymnasium
Lycée Pilote Innovant International
Lycée Pilote Innovant International
ISISS G. Verdi
ISISS G. Verdi

Partner Institution: Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Sponsored by:

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.