Folder with all project activities (in English)
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Faltblatt mit allen Projektaktivitäten (in German)
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Description of activities 

Each country will host at least one short term mobility where students participate, 6 mobilities in all. There will also be 3 short term mobilities for teachers’ planning, evaluation and closing of the project. Furthermore there will be 2 long term mobilities for students consisting of 8 weeks in a foreign school. Each school has the possibility to send and receive 2 students  abroad each year. 

To get more informations about a school trip, please click on the orange parts! Please mention that some pages haven't got any content yet.

Gladsaxe Gymnasium | Denmark (15. - 21. Nov. 2015)

 - Introduction to the topic

 - Statistics and European comparison of migration processes

 - Historical background to the concept of migration

 - Logo competition

 - Excursion to Copenhagen: Evidences of migration in a big European city



Long term stay (1. Feb. - 31. Mar. 2016)

 - Sending students for 2 months to a partner school, providing material for teachers’ guidelines and help the students to experience migration first hand and improve their European skills.

 - Integration project for the class

 - Several tutor students in the country will help to follow in class.

 - Reflecting on integration activities, problems and possible solutions



Sweden (6. - 12. Mar. 2016)

 - Migration in Film, Arts, Language and  Literature

 - Reading and analyzing novels and short stories

 - Analyzing and discussing  "foreign" influences on our languages

 - Visiting the Emigrant museum “Utvandrarnas Hus” in Växjö

 - Creative writing workshop “In the eyes of an immigrant”



At each school in Spring and Summer 2016

 - Producing film material

 - Filming integration actitivies ongoing in the country (homeland, cultural codes and changes, aspects of living together)

 - Interviews with migrant families telling their life stories



Germany (25. Sept. - 1. Oct. 2016)

 - Urbanisation and landscape changes, integration by environmental education-in cooperation with ANL-Laufen

 - Influence of migration on landscapes and cities throughout the centuries (historical part)

 - Environmental education as a support for integration (contemporary part of the topic).



Long term stay (2. Oct. - 1. Dec. 2016)



Italy (6. - 12. Nov. 2016)

 - Homeland, Society, Cultural codes, Cultural changes

 - Working on genealogical trees of the project partners comparing their origins

 - Conferences and workshops on typical cultural codes in each country

 - Excursion to Venice: Migration influences in a Mediterranean seaport throughout history

 - Cutting and Editing the film material



France (29. Jan -4. Feb. 2017)


 - Food and Sports, Editing of the documentary

 - Focus on the history of migration, partly on food (dishes, but also eating and drinking habits) throughout history and partly of the role of sport in migration     and integration

 - Production of a radio show

-Production of the documentary


Germany (5. - 11. Mar. 2017)

 - Staffmeeting

 - Evaluation of the long term stays,

 - Finishing the guidelines

 - Evaluation of the produced teaching material

 - Evaluation of project activities



Denmark (30. Apr.-06. May  2017)

 - Final writing, Presenting and Publication of results

 - Presentation of final products, publishing on the website, press conference, preparing press articles for the own country



At each school in Spring and Summer 2017

 - Press conferences

 - Organizing public events to present the final products

 - Showing the documentary film

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