Gladsaxe Gymnasium is an upper secondary school and is located in the suburbs of Copenhagen. It has 1.000 students and a teaching staff of 100 and 20 support staff members. The students stay for a three year academic program to prepare them for further studies at college or university. The age of the students is between 16 – 19 years. The curriculum includes mandatory subjects and elective subjects. All students must take courses in Danish, history, English mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, ancient history, social science, world religion, 2nd language (French, German or Spanish), a creative subject (drama, music, media studies or art) and physical education. The students can chose to take some of these subjects at a higher level. All students have mathematics at minimum C-level and can choose to take the subject at B or A-level. This could e.g. be mathematics, physics, English or social science. The students have a number of electives and can choose courses in subjects such as philosophy, astronomy, IT-studies and Chinese area studies. During their three-year program the students are engaged in a number of cross curricular projects in which they are trained to work with inter disciplinary problems. This could e.g. be working with pollution seen from a biological and a sociological perspective. Or the Vietnam War from a historical and a fictional point of view as presented in films or novels.
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