Longterm stay-an experience of temporary migration for the participating students

Send students for 2 months, this will give us material for teachers ‘guidelines and help the students to experience migration first hand and improve their european skills.


  • to integrate new students in the school

  • the long term stay will create an integration project for the class and for the “foreign student”

Several tutor students in the country will help to follow in class.

Task to be carried out by the student:

  • write on a blog all the negative and good points in terms of integration of every week and then propose solutions.

  • the class has to reflect on integration activities, problems and possible solutions

  • the class teacher and the other teachers have to write down their experiences

The experience of travelling to another country, where you have to settle in a new family, a new house and an entirely different lifestyle, is for some a very difficult thing to do and for others not. In the beginning it can be overwhelming but after overcoming your first culture shock, you get use to your new surroundings surprisingly fast. The most challenging thing is the language barrier. All the sudden you cannot participate in social activities as well as you normally could. You have to get out of your comfort zone, which can be scary. But, in the end that is exactly what makes the journey so fantastic. When returning home, you will find yourself as an more independent person. You have learned a lot of things about yourself, other cultures and people during this adventure.


Welcoming the new Erasmus+ students at our schools

Some Video clips made by  students