Report of the week in Gladsaxe, Denmark:


From the 30th of april to 6th of may, 25 danes hosted 28 students from Sweden, Italy, France and Germany, through the Erasmus + programme. Here is a little report of what we did throughout the week:

Sunday the 30th of april:

The danish students picked up the exchange students from the airport and the central train station. The Italian delegation arrived at 8.30 am, so they got a whole day off with their host student where most of them experienced Copenhagen. However, the German and the French delegations used their day of to travel, and arrived at 10 pm at the central station.

Monday the 1st of may:


We did some social games, which the danish students were responsible for, to get to know each other better. We learned each other's names and laughed a whole lot during the fun and active games. After, the French, Swedish and Italians presented some of their homework, which among other things included videos of students who have been on exchange. Here they talked about how their experience were, and what they enjoyed the most of their exchange period. When the foreign students were done presenting their homework, we started to work. Some worked on correcting the school book pages, and others were making interviews of each other. They explained how their own school works in order to make a written presentation of the five schools, to be included in the school book . At noon we got off from school, where we went to “Fælledparken” inside Copenhagen, to celebrate the 1st of May (International Workers Day). Some of the foreign students found the way we celebrated the 1st of May really different from their home countries, where you’re not allowed to drink in public parks.

Tuesday the 2nd of may:

The students were finishing up the school book and the rest of the interviews. Meanwhile, some other students worked on the bookcover of the school book, and others were working on some statistics for the school book as well. Also, we voted for which bookcover we liked the most, to use for the book. When we finished with all that, it was time to prepare and practice for sports day for friday. This was a very good way to get to know each other even more, and to socialize as well. When we finished practicing, it was time to eat some pizza together.

Wednesday the 3rd of may:

The danish students had to stay at school to make a project for their final exams. Instead the exchange students took a field trip to Copenhagen. The danish students had prepared the destinations in a week in advance. First the students took the train by themselves to Østerport, where they met with their teachers. After meeting up, they all walked to Langelinie where the little Mermaid is located. The students had seen pictures of the little mermaid before and imaged it being bigger. They stayed for a little while and took pictures of the mermaid, but soon moved on to the Danish Design Museum. They had a great guided visit of the museum. At the museum all the furniture that Denmark is famous was located, which including hundreds of chairs lined up in small holes inside a wall. Afterwards, they had to walk from the museum to the parliament building of Denmark; Christiansborg. While they were walking they passed by Amalienborg and it so happened to be time for the change of the guards. They thought the guards looked funny because of their big bearskin hats. Around 12:30 pm they arrived at Christiansborg, and saw the tapestries of the Queen. Their visit took about an hour. This was the last stop of the trip, after visiting Christiansborg the students were free to explore Copenhagen by themselves. The danish students had made a map for the exchange students, so they could find the meeting point: Nørreport. They had lunch at a cafe, and went shopping. At 4 pm the students met up with the teachers and danish students.

Thursday the 4th of may:

We made the last adjustment for the project and the school book. Some were preparing a speech for the public event, and others a video for the parents about our work throughout the week. After that, we made the final planning and preparation for the public event at the school. When most of the preparation was done, some students went home for a little while, meanwhile others stayed at the school to help with the last things. Finally, it was time for the public event, where we got to tell about our project, and of course to show our documentary about migration in Europe which is one of the final productions. Both the mayor, the headmistress and the local press were at the event. When the public event ended, it was time to eat. All the danish students, their foreign student and their family ate together, to finish the night together. Each family brought a dish, to add to the big buffet we had. We all had a lovely night.

Friday the 5th of may:

The school had organized“Idrætsdag” or in english Sports day. This event was for the whole school, and of course both the danish students and the foreign students participated in this event. The danish students were all together in one team, while the foreign students were split up into two teams; Erasmus 1 and Erasmus 2. Throughout the whole day, the students played against each other but also against teams from the rest of the school. The team who won the most games, and therefore got the most points, won the sports day. When the day was done, the students went to the park next to the school, to listen to some music and enjoy each other’s company. After that, the students had some time with their host family to enjoy their last night in Denmark.

Saturday the 6th of may:

It was time for the foreign students to go back home to their countries. The French and Italians went to the airport, meanwhile the Swedish and German went to Copenhagen Central Station. Everybody had enjoyed their week together :)

The programme of the week


Erasmus program.pdf
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